[–] Diogenes_The_Cynic 53 points (+54|-1)  ago 

All of them were childless.

For a ton of people pets are a child surrogate.

[–] Drkadrka 22 points (+23|-1)  ago 

^^This for sure.^^

Those women are all longing for a baby to put that attention towards, so you definitely don't want to marry a Doolittle, because guess who is going to have to care for all of them once she is round with a baby? You.

2-3 dogs should be a good limit, no exotics, definitely no cats (t. gondii) in a house where you want to raise healthy kids

[–] SkippyMcSkipperson 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Listen to this man's advice very carefully.

[–] PaulNeriAustralia 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Yeah so watch out, bro!

[–] cool_and_froody 31 points (+32|-1)  ago  (edited  ago)

Stop picking up girls with downs syndrome.

I know their grip strength is a bonus but outside the bedroom it's not worth all the "pet da bunnay"

[–] TheTrigger 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

How is this not the top comment.

[–] gazillions 19 points (+19|-0)  ago 

It's common in that age group to brag about the "rescue" animal they have. When they mention the animal they get the word "rescue" in to their sentence, and all you have to do is say "You mean a stray?" and they'll get incredibly defensive and correct you a million times. The animal is not as important as everyone knowing they "rescued" it.

Being a "rescuer" is a terrible new status system.

Keep looking for a better person. They're out there.

[–] SkippyMcSkipperson 7 points (+7|-0)  ago 

So true, the reality is they desperately want to feel like they are virtuous and special, but they haven't done anything except spend their parents money, party, and spend time online. They "rescue" a stray, and that makes them feel like they are doing their part to make the world better. Meanwhile the gaping emotional void widens inside of them.

[–] Redditsdead 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

I had a dog that was abused in a puppy mill. After a couple years she turned into a normalish dog. But early on I had to tell people what was up and where she came from. No choice really. Adopting a dog from the SPCA is not rescuing one though. That's just where you get cheap mutts.

[–] gazillions 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

I've met very few people who's dogs weren't abused before they got them. It's like there's no dogs that weren't all of a sudden.

You could just as easily have said "The dog is skittish, keep her space" and left it at that

[–] Plavonica 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

I just thought that getting a dog from the pound was what ya did. Sure he may need some work but he's cheap!

[–] MrPim 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Nope. They saved Fluffy and Socks from a flooded volcano island infested w rabid monkeys. Theyre rescues.

[–] gazillions 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

It's amazing how many millions of Fluffys and Socks there are out there

[–] ExceptionEncountered 17 points (+17|-0)  ago 

The financial aspectof the whole thing should be a red flag. Spirituality, finance and family are the big three hurdles in any relationship.

[–] middle_path 15 points (+15|-0)  ago 

I don't have any advice, but that's insane. You are also clearly attracted to a certain type, lol.

[–] GapingAnus 12 points (+12|-0)  ago 


[–] CrustyBeaver52 10 points (+11|-1)  ago 

600 - 600 is perhaps a bit much.

599 is good.

Okay - joking aside - those women need children. The pets are proxy substitutes - so they are selecting you for fatherhood.

If the pets look happy and in good health, she might be a good mother for your children.

[–] Thrus2 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

And what happens when you have children and less time for the pets? they don't just go away. Are the pets good with kids? how much time do the pets take up, some can be hours a day?

[–] retractableclaws 6 points (+6|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Sometimes I talk about looking forward to having chickens or a dog (both life goals), but I'm not actively looking. I have two cats and a snake. As another said, it's a proxy for children. Are the animals in good health? I know a lot of women with 2-4 animals who stuck to 1-2 animals after having a kid. Perhaps the bigger question is whether you like the animals.

[–] Equus 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

Chickens are awesome. I would reccomended if you have some land. They definitely keep the bug population down. Last year was crickopocolypse, this year not so bad.

[–] SquarebobSpongebutt 4 points (+4|-0)  ago 

Depends on a lot of factors but a hard and fast number is not a good idea to aim towards. Having 5-6 dogs and/or cats would be fine for someone who had a good sized house and a plot of land who also worked from home/ran a farm. My guess is these women mostly lived in apartments or places with little land attached and probably had very little time to really spend with the animals. That is a bad sign. In this case it appears less a love of animals with a desire to make their lives good and more a surrogacy issue. They replace kids/love interests with animals. Run away from that. If you find a woman who has the actual space for the animals, takes care of them, and spends the time with them they need while also being able to handle the rest of her life then the number won't matter unless it really bothers you.

[–] Weasel_Soup 4 points (+9|-5)  ago 

1 dog. Cats are for faggots.

[–] NoisyCricket 5 points (+5|-0)  ago 

I used to think so too. Wife wanted a cat and the kids wanted a pet. Got a cat. I didn't have much to do with him until he started playing fetch (cotton balls, puff balls, and q-tips), patrolled the house at night, alerting to anything out of the ordinary (we called him our "watch cat"), played chase, roughly wrestled, and we played a "scared ya" game. The game is that we would hide from each other jump out to scare. There were other pet games we would play. None of which would I associated with a cat. He was also extremely affectionate. He was very intelligent and had a dog-like understanding of words.

He was the best pet I ever owned.

[–] andrew_white_forever 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Sounds like you got the "magic negro" of cats.

[–] BigFatDaddy 4 points (+5|-1)  ago 

This is the correct answer.

[–] GOATMAN 1 points (+2|-1)  ago 

Dogs make good adventure buddies. They can go running, hiking, camping, swimming. They make good ice breakers. An active single person with a dog gets bonus points. A single person with multiple pets is red flagged.

[–] Lord_Mari 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Heck yeah. They definitely deserve the title "man's best friend." Though, it shouldn't be "man's best son."

[–] con77 3 points (+3|-0)  ago 

2 max

[–] Eualos 3 points (+3|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

I'd say anything over 2 is pushing it as a single person. Just say no to girls that like horses

[–] theysayso 1 points (+1|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

At one time we had four cats and three dogs. I told me wife, "enough". I'm tired of living in a house that smells and all of our shit is ruined. Three cats and two dogs have passed since, but we've had one cat addition. So, we're at two cats and one dog. My wife and daughter keep making noise about getting another dog but I keep fighting it. I want to go with zero and zero. But I could manage a single, well-behaved dog. (Which our current one is). But that's a good number, 1 - 2 dogs. NO CATS.

edit: When you have a cat your ENTIRE HOUSE is a kitty litter.

[–] newoldwave 1 points (+1|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Never date a cat lady.

[–] Firevine 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I think it depends on the animal. A couple dogs or cats in ample space is fine so long as the owner isn't obsessed and has stupid fucking YORKIE MOM or some other dumb shit bumper stickers on their car. The fuckos that live downstairs from me with their yappy fag dogs and whatever else they've got living in there isn't a great situation. They had at least three dogs and one cat in a 750 sqft apartment. Plus the guy chain smokes. This is why we bought a house.

I've had reptiles for most of my life, and multiple at the same time on several occasions. I'll tell you right quick and in a fucking hurry that any woman with multiple reptiles is a) goddamn fucking insane (or an edgelord try-hard) and b) broker than shit because her power bill is higher than the GDP of any given African country. I love reptiles, and I've had some awesome ones, but that shit is a red flag PARTICULARLY snakes. Carnivorous reptiles are a no-no for sure. Omnivorous? Eh, ok fine, blueys and beardies are awesome. But when people start talking about having tegus and savannah monitors and shit... The only herbivorous reptile I can think of that is a red flag are iguanas. This is coming from someone who has had iguanas for most of the past 22 years. Iguana people are not rational humans. Iguanas are basically plant eating sharks. There's a good damn reason they're banned in Hawaii. They're mean little fuckers and you could probably conquer any given tropical or subtropical nation by using iguanas as an attack vector because of their temperament and they'd eat every scrap of vegetation that won't kill them. I love the little bastards but once my current one dies I will NEVER have another.

If she has horses run the other direction. Maybe after you smash because chicks with horses tend to have great asses. Give her a fake number.

I also love birds, but people with birds can be nuts too. I'd like one myself, but birds are just flying cats when it comes to attracting crazies. 2-3 finches or parakeets or other small social bird is ok, but if someone says something like "I have five macaws" your life is in danger.

[–] SkippyMcSkipperson 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

"One porch, one dog, one cockroach, only one way to be" extra credit to those that can name the band that sang that lyric....no looking it up assholes

[–] CuriosityOnFire 1 points (+1|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Well you can just add pets on the list of what women prefer to spend time with more than with their own children.

Mohammed knew women better than any self professed redpill, trully blue pill delusional.

btw, there was a study. there was a list.

Now we know.

[–] Thrus2 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I'm a guy I'm in my mid 30's I have a cat and a dog that stayed with me when my ex-wife left. One thing I will say is that pet mean that you have to figure out what to do with them when you want to go away. This means if I want to go spend a weekend somewhere i have to arrange for someone to take care of my dog (1 cat for a weekend is easy clean the cat litter fill the food and water leave, return in 3 days to wake the cat up). This means spur of the moment trips or short notice trips are out. Small animals are similar as they need to be fed routinely.

Also keep in mind the lifespan of the animals as you will be caring for them until they pass some animals have very long lives, for example if you find a gal with a parrot (blah bad experience with one of those) they can live to be in the 20s or more plus they need lots of time for a pet 2-3 hours of attention every day toys to keep them amused when you are out and a mind like a 3 year old, they can also do a surprising amount of damage if not amused and watched.

Make your call on what you want to do in life but know that pets likely means less traveling as that is often the budget that turns into pet care and they add more expenses to travel to have them cared for. do you like to go camping throughout the summer? that is likely to stop with many pets or at least be greatly reduced so be sure you and the person have similar travel desires. Friends are great to watch pets but lean on them to often and they will be busy instead of available.

[–] 160065002 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

There's this white chick who is 50+ dies her hair purple and still listens to Korn...Thinks she's all metal or whatever.... Has 11 dogs and is single... I Wonder why..

[–] KuroKami 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

Everyone who is saying the pets are surrogates are completely correct. The problem is once you want to put a baby into one of them they are less likely to agree because they “have more than enough on their plate.” Or if they do agree, you are going to end up taking care of the kid and all their pets.

My advice, find a girl that’s just starting to hoard them. Get a girls with 2 small house pets and maybe one large house pet. This way they will have the time and attention to care for you and your child. You get a devoted wife and a few enjoyable pets. (If a girl has 3 or more cats she’s a giant risk.)

[–] Equus 1 points (+1|-0)  ago 

I have a lot of chickens... Two horses two donkeys and three dogs... On 10 acres. Thankfully I have enough room and no bug problem. I'm maxed out with animals. Gonna have to eat some chicken soon.

[–] goatboy 1 points (+3|-2)  ago  (edited  ago)

Pets are a woman's subconscious telling her modernity fucked her and she should have reproduced already.

But the subconscious mind is not logical. As soon as she sees some worthless sparkly bobbles or smells some sweet shit- she'll forget her biological imperative to procreate and return to her wage slave job to buy said worthless shit, ride the cock carousel, get an abortion, and another cat. If she's lucky enough to find a beta worth keeping, she'll get more worthless shit, keep the wage slave job, and instead of abortion- dump the latchkey kid off for state sponsored commie indoctrination 8 hours a day/ 9 months a year, pretend to be living the dream, and reminisce about the cock carousel and the dark billionaire bad boy supermodel who will be the next mysterious guy in her queue and so love struck taken with the single sight of her that they will fly away together- really it will happen any day now, she promises herself as the doctor prescribes her statins for her obesity strained heart disease.

[–] ExpertShitposter 1 points (+3|-2)  ago  (edited  ago)

As a person who had a pair of parrots, a pair of cats, and now a pair of dogs, all in a medium sized apartment.....0.

A reasonable amount of pets is ZERO. Animals are cute, but the are also dumb. And dumb is annoying. You will always be deccommodated when you want to take vacations. You will always be running to the vet. You will always be going out into a thunderstorm at 3am because the dog has diarrhea.

Having dogs, is like having 3yo children, from another couple. They are cute, but not your kids, and yet you have to put up with the same amount of shit. Alternatively, its like being cursed with retarded children, but in the NWO 4th reich where there is "no retarded untermensch children permitted" signs everywhere.

Pets fucking suck, and are not worth it ever. All my pets were always rescued from the street, and i love em, but let me tell ye.....when my 14 year old doge die of old age.....i will literally GUN DOWN ANY WOMAN who dares to cross my welcum mat with any kind of an animal in her hands.

FUCK RETARDED CHICKS WHO BUY UGLY LITTLE MUTS BECAUSE THEY ARE "LONELY". Listen here bitch, if you say you are lonely, it sounds to me like you need a fat cock up all three of your entry points.

[–] vastrightwing 1 points (+2|-1)  ago 

Personally, zero pets is the correct answer. I realized I had nothing in common with women who had any pets. Think of a pet like FakeBook, it's a distraction and a woman who has pets will constantly be distracted in the same way they spend every waking moment on FakeBook.

[–] PaulNeriAustralia 2 points (+2|-0)  ago 

Agree and it's highly likely women keep pets merely as fashion accoutrements which should be an indication of how shallow they are.

[–] waxdino 1 points (+1|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

Depends on how much room they have, but generally, I'd say that's a red flag. Did horse lady keep it on her own property? Maybe not so weird, especially since she used to have someone else to help take care of the animals. 
But urban dwellers and singles probably shouldn't have that many pets. I sort of think, based on what I've seen with family, that it is becoming "a thing." Like in the way screaming at the sky because Trump is president is "a thing." Or covering yourself with tattoos you can't afford because you think you need them to express yourself is "a thing." 
I'm not saying there isn't some special people out there that can maintain a horde of animals responsibly, but it's an exception. It is expensive and time consuming to keep pets, and at some point it becomes irresponsible. They are someone concerned with fee fees, not logic.

[–] Weasel_Soup 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

Horses make little girls orgasm. Sorry.

[–] badruns 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I lifetime of growing up without having consequences for their actions and thinking at the same time that they're wonderful enough for men to overlook the fact that they keep a damn menagerie in their house.

Apparently they're not wrong since you still dated them.

[–] Nothanksimgood 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

other horse related activities


~~~best part of the post

[–] slwsnowman40 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Once the smell of the pets dominates the living space, that's too many. I think horses are a different case as they are as much a tool as they are a pet.

Be on the look out though, pets are starting to replace children for a lot of people so I'm inclined to say they've been brainwashed to not have kids.

[–] the_sharpest_knife 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

As long as they're well taken care of, I don't see an issue. If the animals are all fat and not brushed/unkempt then that should be a red flag. I foster animals from our local animal center so I normally have 4-5 dogs and 3-4 cats. I have a decent sized house and yard so it's not a huge issue.

[–] oddjob 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

The first girl is probably reasonable. Reptiles require way less care than just about any other pets. And even cats can be low maintenance. Plus, she's not actively looking for more. The other women are budding hoarders if they alone have all those pets. When I was single, I couldn't imagine having more than 1 dog and 1 cat. It would be too much care to have more than that. Plus, when you have multiple pets they can compete for food, which is another headache.

[–] TheOneTrueGoose 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

More than 1 cat or dog is too many. More than 2 caged animals is too many. (A small aquarium counts as one cage regardless of how many fish are in it.)

[–] GoddammitMrNoodle 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

People and their pets! Don't get me started. It's bad enough that they treat them like small humans but now every asshole with a couple of Schnauzers or Chihuahuas or Golden Labs or whatever takes them on vacation as well. Off they go, their kids wandering about fingers locked into noses and dogs straining at their leashes, oblivious to other tourists trying to see the same sights. And pick up little Froofroo's shit? I don't fucking think so.

And then of course there are the ladies with a dog in a backpack or baby carriage. Time was it was only the occasional dotty dowager but I'm seeing mid-30s chicks doing this more and more often now.

[–] roznak 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Plants should also be regarded as pets!

[–] Totally-Not-A-Troll 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I dated a crazy eyed girl (31) that let me know she wanted to have 13 kids! (I didn't stay around).

[–] ch3f4554551n 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Here is the proper sequence: diploma/job, marriage, kids, 1 dog or cat. Maybe chickens. Any other sequence is wrong.

[–] SOULESS 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

I like owning one dog at all times. My current boyfriend moved in with his mom after his father died for a bit. He has one dog and his mom has two, so there are currently three in that house. Once he moves out next month he'll only be taking his main dog with him though.

I wouldn't mind being a two dog household long term max. But anything more than 1-2 dogs seems like a lot to me.

Don't date horders (of anything). Period. You'll regret ending up with one long term.

[–] Areuyiddingme 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I was wondering this same thing. My girl happens to be a wildlife rehab specialist, so all sorts of weird shit will come through (and then leave). As for the permanents, she has a dog and a bearded dragon.
When I first came in there were 2 ferrets, a dog and a lizard. I was questioning things like you. Instead of flagging her, I brought up how I felt about the excess animals - to which she agreed.

We got rid of the stink weasles and I think I can deal with the dumb dog for the couple of years it has left. The lizard just sits there and I can feed it houseflies for entertainment.

It still feels like too much, but the girl is worth it. Everything is checks and balances.

[–] SerialChiller 0 points (+0|-0)  ago  (edited  ago)

For a single woman? One well-trained dog, if she is in the city. It takes discipline and work to train a dog and maintain its respect. Stay away from the ones who have a useless mini-dog who they carry around in a handbag - those are usually mentally ill (both the dog and the woman).

No cats.

If she's a country girl who grew up and lives on a farm, that's a different story. More dogs, maybe a goat and chickens that are utili-pets. And still no cats.

Bottom line is why she has a pet and how well she manages the responsibility.

[–] GoBackToReddit 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Growing up we had cats, dogs, chickens, turtles, hamsters, ferrets, iguanas, snakes, pigs, rabbits...and the list keeps going (and yes, all at the same time). As an adult I am okay with 2 or 3 pets at maximum... ..but I also think a pig is the best dog you'll ever have.. so I might be retarded...

[–] TheAmerican 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I hope you walked out the door the second you saw that chick owned a snake.

[–] lurklurk 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

If girl is into horses you better bail instantly, those gurls might be fun for a moment but they are usually completely insane. Horses are expensive and very rarely that gal has her own money for it so she'll suck you dry. Amount and size of pets compared to persons living situation pretty much tells how irresponsible person owning them is, as they really can't take care of them when there's too much. If your girl owns a house(lol) three big dogs is fine, but same in small apartment? Bail.

Fish tank, some rodents and a cat/dog is completely manageable but when your girl is talking about getting the fifth chihuahua you should consider other options. You'll just end up as a caretaker of her obsession. I pity the guys I see now and then walking with their girls 3-5 bottle brushes.

[–] Sosacms 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

1 person can have 2 pets.

[–] mostlyfriendly 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 


If these are farm girls and not city girls then a few extra pets are less concerning. My kids are growing up on a 'mini homestead' with half dozen pets and a few dozen chickens. We have lots of room and most of our 'pets' are actually part of the farm. (E.g. our pet dogs protect the other animals from predators, etc.)

[–] incomplete_thoughts 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

4 in house too many. 3 max.

[–] ThisIsMyRealName 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

IMO, for a single working person, one pet would be the limit. I wouldn't mess with any of the women you listed.

[–] ideteststicks 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

My ex GF of sorts used dogs as a replacement for her fucked uterus, 2 smelly filthy dogs from a rescue home and I hated those muts. I feed them I looked after them but still I fuckin hated them, seriously why the fuck are these filthy animals alive? Just because her cunts dryed up an useless thats why!

I can't harm animals and won't unless I'm hunting and want food, the scraggy bitchy useless mongrel used to shit under the bed and I'd haul it out by the scruff and fuck it down the stairs out the back then clean up and disinfectant where it had been. The ex 'leave my dogs alone'. Right okay sorry the dogs is clean I'm a cunt my shits whats under the kids beds and probably in the laundry basket ad well

Her own kid 14 year old boy was by waaaay filthier than the mangy muts, he's the one who shat in the laundry baskets, he had extreme ADHD. How many pets is too many? any amount where you have to clean up after the fuckers and lie about someone whose first response is to make up lies about you.

Fuck that shit and crappy house, her cunt son shat in the laundry basket

[–] GoBackToReddit 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

I'd haul it out by the scruff and fuck it...

[–] Definitely-not-a-spy 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

Cats are like exclamation marks in emails. More than two is a sign of madness.

[–] Native 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

It's because women want children! And use their female nurturing nature on pets instead of babies.

The fact is if you are serious with a chick and want to marry her, just tell her it's either me or the pets and she will get rid of them.

Don't let pets ruin your stance on women they are malleable and just want a relationship. It isn't a serious thing and aren't a red flag.

Purple hair and excessive tattoos are a much bigger red flag then pets. If anything you know that she will take care of kids because she takes care of animals.

Hope that helps and check out v/theredpill

[–] InflationSlave 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

me or the pets

If she picks you, that's a huge red flag! She'll cut and run on your relationship with the same ease.

[–] totes_magotes 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

Pets generally take the place of children for most people. For those where a pet is a pet and not a proxy child, 1 to 2 per person in the house tends to be the reasonable limit. There are exceptions, of course. My mother has more than a few cats and if anything where to happen to her, I'd take 4 of her cats because those 4 cats were raised together, came into the house together, hang out together and it would be wrong to separate them like that.

[–] lipids 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

Zero is best. Anything other than a hamster lives to damn long. 1-2 is okay.

[–] Slayfire122 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

It really depends on the individual scenario. If she's a country girl that's able to take care of them all, those numbers don't seem ridiculous. If she's living in a city/town in a small house or apartment, I'd say 2 or 3 dogs/cats, plus a cage animal or two.

[–] BigFatDaddy 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

A woman having more than 2 dogs, or any cats at all is a bad sign.

A guy should have no more than 1 dog. No self respecting guy would own a cat.

[–] Drkadrka 0 points (+2|-2)  ago 

A pair of dogs is pretty much the limit for single people. If they work long hours, it is best for them to have a friend for their dog, as they're social animals and need more interaction than a working single person can often provide.

Cats. Big red flag for crazy there.

Birds and bunnies? Unless she's raising for meat or eggs, run. Bird women are even more batshit crazy than cat ladies.

[–] DiscontentedMajority 0 points (+1|-1)  ago 

We had 2 cats for quite a while. Wife wanted to get a third then talked me into adopting a bonded pair that needed a home.

Overall, I think 4 cats is a bit too many, 2-3 animals is good.

[–] ArcherMcTaco 0 points (+0|-0)  ago 

2 pets should be max. 3 if financially stabble and there is a sob story behind the 3rd.

Why 2? 1 is normal and fine, 2 is pushing it but you can always argue you got another to give the 1st one company while away.

There are exceptions, but they are extraordinary circumstances like rescue or pet rehab volunteers.

[–] SyriansAreTerrorists -2 points (+1|-3)  ago 

One is too many. Pets are useless and expensive. Use that time and money to have kids and develop personally and professionally.

[–] boredTech 1 points (+2|-1)  ago 

Pets are useless and expensive.

I have a dog, costs at most $3k (which is far less then my smoking habbit). Has scared off 2 nigger burglars, and is a continual source of entertainment.

As for the rest of what you just said. Kids like pets too, and there's been more then enough studies done that show pets create a better adjusted adult.